剣太郎 / Kentaro Japanese Culture Performer

About me

Kentaro Japanese Culture Performer - 健太郎 日本文化パフォーマー、侍、芸者

From my experiences traveling abroad in my twenties, I became aware of the charm of Japanese culture. Upon returning home, I felt inspired to learn about my own country’s identity, which led me to my current career as a performer.

I incorporate elements such as iaido from Japanese martial arts and and sword fighting. I perform dances using fans and swords, traditional ryuteki (dragon flute) dating back to the Heian period. Utilizing instruments like the shamisen and various other Japanese musical instruments, I create original shows by combining various elements of Japanese culture. There aren’t many people in Japan who can mix different roles and perform different acts by themselves.

I aim to create a new style that differs from conventional traditional Japanese cultural content. It’s rare for performers in Japan to attempt a comprehensive performance of Japanese culture.

While traditional Japanese arts like Kabuki may carry an image of exclusivity and high-class, I aspire to make these seemingly inaccessible aspects of Japanese culture more approachable, enjoyable, and cool for everyone. I am dedicated to honing my craft as a performer every day while pursuing this goal.


Achievements/Performance Experience:

  • Holds a dan (rank) in iaido/nakuto (sword drawing technique).
  • Performance of ryuteki (dragon flute) dedication at renowned shrines.
  • Participation in Samurai shows in Kyoto.
  • Appeared in Hero shows.
  • Fight scene performance in period drama films.
  • Television appearances alongside famous celebrities.
  • Numerous performances at well-known commercial facilities in the Kansai region.
  • Performance appearances at major corporate events.


Pursuing the art that I am passionate about, I strive to build my career while aiming to bring joy and energy to those who watch my performances and interact with my art. It is my goal to uplift and inspire others through my art.

I aspire to become someone who can energize not only many individuals but also entire communities through my art. I am committed to daily improvement in the aspects of mind, skill, and body.


Japanese cultural performer Kentaro, traditional Japanese entertainment, Japanese music and dance